get to know us
population was booming in los angeles during the 1950’s and bel air, what was once a sleepy mountain suburb off to the west, needed a church. The presbytery asked Rev. Louis H. Evans, Jr. to serve as organizing pastor of what was to become Bel Air Presbyterian Church. The first meeting of 51 people was held in the pastor’s home on April 8, 1956.
bel air church opened its doors at our current site On December 4, 1960. since that time, our campus has grown to include buildings for our sunday school classrooms, an administration building, discipleship center, a sanctuary that seats over 1500 people, and a preschool.
sixty-five years later, evans chapel still stands. it is currently home to our student ministry and is often rented for weddings and events. thanks to our vision campaign, evans chapel will soon undergo a significant restoration project to be returned to its former glory.
in 2020, we chose to close our doors for the first time in our history due to the spread of covid-19. during this “great disruption,” our senior pastor, rev. dr. drew sams brought our church into homes all around the world as we broadcast our services every sunday on kcop, and online. Now that we have returned to our sanctuary for in person services we continue to reach our online congregation through the broadcast.
today, we are reaching over ten-thousand christians a week through our broadcast and online platforms. remember, church is not a place – it’s not an hour on sunday. church is people. and however you choose to join us, we look forward to connecting with you.
we hope you’ll consider joining us in a life of following jesus, every day and everywhere with everyone… for the next 65 years. may god bless you on your journey!
we believe
the church is built around the reality of who jesus is. We believe every member of the body of Christ is indispensable and though every member functions differently, each has a function in the Body as they are gifted by the Spirit.
We believe that to bear God’s image most fully is to do so in Christian community, submitting to one another in love as God first loves us.
As a result, we believe that we don’t just go to church, WE ARE THE CHURCH that embodies hospitality, courage, health, community, and impact every day and everywhere with everyone as we follow Jesus.
consider this an invitation to a life following jesus every day, and everywhere, with everyone. it’s not just on sunday, it’s every day. it’s not just on campus, it’s everywhere. it’s not just with christians, it’s with everyone. we are a growing family of faith where the good news of jesus permeates all that we are and all that we do.
we invite you to be curious, to ask questions, and to explore who we are. ultimately, we long to help you be an empowered participant within this dynamic family. we invite you to play an indispensable role in what god is doing in and through us on this campus, in our city, and around the globe.
we believe that christ unites while the world divides
we are a community that follows Jesus every day, and everywhere, with everyone.
Following Jesus leaves no room for worldly division.
following jesus leaves no room for an “us vs them” mentality.
following jesus leaves no room for discrimination.
Following jesus leaves no room for prejudice.
Following Jesus leaves no room for racism or any other “ism” mentality.
following jesus leaves no room for anything that distorts the image of God in another person.
To that end, our community strives to see and treat others exactly as Jesus treats them: with dignity, respect, and sacrificial love while inviting the Holy Spirit to fill us with both grace and truth.
interested in learning more about us?
Great! we’re always here to help answer any of your questions.