life is better lived in community

love one another. forgive one another. bear one another’s burdens.


Looking to get planted into community here at bel air? groups are a great way to cultivate friendships, have fun, connect with jesus, and serve our amazing city. We have groups from westlake village to west la that meet weekly in person and online. If you are looking for people to do life with, we would love to connect you with a group near you!

“Love is… More than a feeling” Starting March 9th

This Lent season we will unpack 1 Corinthians 13 and explore how love is truly revealed in the way we live and serve others. Love isn’t just about feelings- it’s about what we do, how we act, and how we reflect Jesus in our daily lives. As we grow in love, we become more faithful disciples, marked by actions that mirror His selfless love for the world. Join us as we seek to be transformed into a community whose Christ like love is visible in the attitude and action of our everyday lives.

We are looking for hospitable people who love Jesus and have a passion for community to facilitate Lent LIFE GROUPS! Could this be you? email to learn more or fill out application!

what people are saying…


“Life group, it's what it says and more. At first it was a group of random fellow christians, we met weekly, shared a potluck and through the weeks, with love and growth, rooted in God’s word, we are now doing life together. I love each and every member of my group and I count them as my family. I love how Jesus does that, he gives you extra family to love & rejoice & cry & pray & ‘one-another’ with.”

— fiona godschalk

“There are about 60 ‘one another’ exhortations in the New Testament. I have been a Christian over 50 years and I know of no more meaningful way to fulfill these commands than to meet regularly with a small group of Christian friends for conversation and prayer. I don't think we can overstate the value of Life Groups. If you are not yet participating, you are missing something extraordinary.”

— Michael Hostetler

“Cultivating the Community of God is one of the reasons you are on this earth. Doing ‘life’ together - is one of the primary ways we become more like Jesus. Being a part of a Life Group will be deeply fulfilling, and deeply transformative for your soul.”

-rebecca morgan

director of life