Welcome to BEL AIR YOUTH

  • Sunday Program

    6th-12th Grade

    Sundays @11am

    Student Center

    Bel Air Youth gather for games, announcements, and worship then middle and high school students seperate for teaching and discussion group.

  • Instagram

    Follow Bel Air Youth on instagram for events, pictures, and Sunday recaps!

  • Volunteer

    Bel Air Youth is designed to guide and support students in their faith journey. We are always looking for volunteers who have a passion for students and a love for Jesus.

Upcoming events

  • Confirmation Spring 2025

    March 2nd-30th

    Who is Jesus and how do I follow Him everyday, everywhere, and with everyone? Confirmation is an essential space for answering these questions.

  • Summer Camp

    Registration Opens March 3 @6pm

  • Taco Sunday

    May 18 at 11am in the student center

    Let's Talk Over Tacos

    As the year is coming to an end and summer around the corner. There are many changes, transitions, and events going on in each of your lives. We will spend program time talking over tacos!

New to Bel Air? We’d love to talk to you!