“refreshing and engaging to study and consider the essential priorities needed to truly be the church. i encourage anyone who wants to better understand ‘what are we doing this for?’ to step into this study and prepare to be better equipped.”
-mary beth trinkle
training for a lifetime of following jesus…
“Following Jesus isn’t an eight-week pathway, but rather a journey of a lifetime in getting to know the God who has been longing for us to experience the love, healing, peace, hope, strength, and power that only God can provide. Whether this is our first day or our fortieth year of following Jesus, God isn’t finished with us yet. The abundant “with God” life doesn’t start after we die, but rather right here and right now. This is Jesus’ invitation. Let’s say ‘yes’ to Jesus, together!” - Rev. Mike Morgan
What People Are Saying:
“equip is the most concise and complete guide to following jesus that i’ve experienced. it shows us how being his disciple is to be with him and to join with his mission. highly recommend!”
— dan korneychuk
I am so grateful to have found Pastor Mike Morgan's Equip course as it is literally the answer to something that I have wanted for some time now but hadn't quite put my finger on. Deep in my soul, I have longed to understand how to bring an authentic daily practice of Christianity into my life where I can feel it come to life and help me to grow and deepen my understanding and practice of Christianity in a meaningful way. Not a study based on following rules to avoid punishment, but one that reaches down into my heart and soul to bring it to life so that I feel it... all the time. In several short sections each day, this multi-faceted course shows me what I can do and how to do it... to deepen my relationship to God and living a Christian life through a daily practice... It's Biblical as it offers verses from the Bible and it goes deep as Pastor Morgan teaches bits about the richness of the original text which in some cases is hard to translate -- this in particular opened up a whole new world for my relationship to God. The course also teaches about the sweetness of God's love for us no matter what, and that practice of Christianity is a not a one-time thing. If we make a mistake, we just go back to practicing the next day -- that's why the daily aspect is so important. And finally, it's transformational, which is what I have especially desired, as it poses questions to reflect on to consider how our past fixed ideas about things like discipleship and being saved may have limited our practice as Christians and how we can crack it wide open to access a new, authentically Christian life. I highly recommend this course to any Christian who desires to take their practice and understanding to a deeper and more consistent level. I could see myself taking this over and over periodically as it's so rich... and by design it is suitable for anyone at any level on their journey because it covers the fundamentals of practice, and the depth that is available in doing the fundamentals is infinite.
— Melody Jackson, PH.D.
“The equip experience unpacks what it means to be the church at work in very practical and relatable ways. this study is inspiring and eye-opening regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey with christ. “
— jennifer white
“Excellent program to understanding your relationship with Jesus and how to be a more effective Believer.”
— tina russak
“A Game changer!”
— Glenna Tolbert
“equip reminded me of the important work god calls us to do everyday. this study will encourage you and provide you with intentional tools to learn more about your christian walk.”
-caitlin robertson
“An amazing life changing experience. A must.”
-max mcmanus
“This was a life changing course on my journey as a newer Christian. The topics were thorough yet we covered so much, and my small group got to be super close and bonded in fellowship and study.”
-Alexi Laffoon